Thursday, April 5, 2007

Being bored is a disease

I have come to realize that being in the state of boredom is very unhealthy for anyone. When you are bored your enthusiasm goes down you feel like crap and you just feel like there is no reason to live or keep on doing anything because life is so boring. I suffer from boredom all the time and it usually leaves me in a state of depression which is hard TO get out of sometimes. I seriously feel that boredom is a disease. It starts of as nothing and slowly. Then it just gets full blown and takes over your mind, body and soul. You just feel like there can be nothing else as bad as being bored. There is nothing to do , no one to talk to or hang out with just yourself and your thoughts. And who the hell wants to think about all the crap they have to deal with for 8 hours...NO ONE!!. Idleness really is the devils hand and i for one am tired of bring BOREDDD!!

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